Correcting Your Name and/or Gender Marker on an Illinois Birth Certificate
In order to update your Illinois birth certificate, you will need to mail 4 different items to:
Division of Vital Records
925 E Ridgley Ave, Springfield IL 62702-2737
If you only want to change your gender marker on your birth certificate, you do not need a court order or legal name change to do so in Illinois.
Likewise, if you only want to correct your legal name in Illinois you can do so using the same form.
The “Gender Reassignment Form” is no longer required in Illinois.
You only need to complete the Affidavit of Correction Form.
Affidavit of Correction Form
4 Item Checklist:
Photocopy of your ID
If you are a minor, you can use your parent’s or legal guardian’s ID.
4. Affidavit of Correction Form
If changing your name and gender marker, please list that you are correcting your legal name and gender marker.
If choosing non-binary option, write: correcting sex designation, what it currently says: (male or female), what it should say: (choose between male, female, or X).
This form NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED. You can do this at a bank or currency exchange.
2. $15 Check or Money Order
Make sure to make it out to the IDPH.
3. Name Change Order
Include the certified copy with the embossed seal on it.
Every State Has Different Birth Certificate Laws For Name And Gender Marker Changes
You Can Find More Specific Information On The Laws In Your Birth State
If You Were Born In a State That Requires a Court Order for a Gender Marker Change, WE CAN HELP!